And apparently the rioters have these kinds of weapons available to them.

Iranian social media outlet, Sepah Pasdaran;

"The beginning of limited gatherings in some cities caused some infiltrating terrorists to see the opportunity and carry out operations for which they have been trained for years. Such things as cutting off the heads of police officers, burning alive security forces, severely beating some people… throwing acid on veiled women and security forces, and attacking police headquarters and banks with Molotov cocktails have been carried out.

It is now clear that the people present in these riots were not and are not ordinary people, therefore, in addition to the request to deal decisively with the seditionists and terrorists, the honorable people of Iran are requested to inform about any illegal gathering. To the security authorities, move away from the gathering place."

Another one showing the policeman who fell off a motorcycle and was set on fire

    • CritiGalDesist∞OPM
      112 years ago

      That Twitter thread perfectly sums up color revolution and how to identify one.