Africa having a field day today. This quote is upvoted by the same people that want no queen slander whatsoever.

Europe is becoming completely unhinged in their joined effort to…? To do what exactly? Financially destroy themselves to own the Russians?

If we don’t go all out in a nuclear war for the above mentioned reason then I wonder where the European socdems draw the line.

  • DankZedong OPA
    202 years ago

    Just fuck over all your allies and see what happens. I’m sure they will not go to China for new relationships.

    • @CountryBreakfast
      62 years ago

      But if the populations become radicalized against Russia/China and Euro politicians remain US puppets we may not get to see this develop. However beyond Europe this seems to be exactly what is happening. The whole Saudi Arabia thing could be a big development going forward for example.