Imagine not only admitting your father was a fascist (is a fascist?) but also being proud of it while demonizing Palestinians.

Also BadEmpanada is back on Twitter!

  • Justice
    11 months ago

    He’s one of the many (thankfully, I think, dwindling number) American (or Canadian, who cares, same shit) dumbass “leftists” who only actually ever talk about politics as if it’s a giant drama narrative, a game of sorts, and only ever advocate for (if American, but apply as needed elsewhere) Americans to have healthcare, free college, etc. Which to be clear are obviously absolutely necessary services that every country should provide without condition. However, ask him about the issue of Palestinian liberation… and oh boy. He’s not particularly unique amongst western-living, western-indoctrinated, etc. “left leaning” folks in that they support progressive agendas at home (but not too progressive you commie!) but their policies towards foreign affairs is basically on par with Adolf fucking Hitler. Imperialism abroad, drug-fueled orgies at home. Some of the most annoying and disgusting people.

    • sinovictorchan
      11 months ago

      And the Western European diaspora even think that Indigenous First Nation people in the stolen land have the same free-riding luxury life as European immigrants just because the First Nation people need to endure planned stravation and chemical attacks in the federal reserves to get a few of the basic rights that Western European diaspora take for granted like land ownership right, rent collection right, debt collection right, and right for reparation for crimes especially from the 150 years of child enslavement, murder, and inheritance thief in Indian Residential fake Schools which might still continue in secret.