Theory is wonderful and my main activity right now, but I do love me some nice short inspiring quotes. If you wish, take a minute and share!

I love you comrades

  • @panic
    232 years ago

    “Man is the greatest being endowed with independence, creativity and consciousness and, at the same time, a beautiful creature who champions justice. Man, by nature, aspires to virtue and ennobling qualities and detests all that is evil and dirty. These unique features constitute his human traits.” Kim Il Sung

    Very important to me on a personal level

    • @TeezyZeezyOP
      132 years ago

      Gorgeous. You all, and Marxism-Leninism in general, have restored my faith in the human spirit.

      I’m glad such a beautiful quote is tied to you on a personal level. I hope it brings you joy.

      • @panic
        92 years ago

        There’s a lot of beauty in ML literature, ngl

        • @TeezyZeezyOP
          92 years ago

          Honestly, in ML thought in general, haha