• Lenins2ndCat
      2 years ago

      That the government is acting completely and utterly deranged. It has gotten worse and worse since it banned opposition parties and closed opposition tv channels. There is no voice except the hard right.

      Roger Waters said some anti-NATO things on CNN and now he’s on their official assassination list? Utterly fucking psychotic.

      The point of them doing it is to terrorise anyone who even vaguely lightly criticises them or supports the position that NATO is bad and partly responsible for this war. To reduce opposition discourse.

      • 8Petros (he/him)
        -192 years ago

        Obviously the Ukrainians are proficient both in asymmetric warfare and psyops. Thing to learn.

        • Lenins2ndCat
          2 years ago

          It’s not just “psyops” how can you not see that? There is literally no political opposition in the country anymore. It is far right regime that has shut down all opposition and created a scenario in which anyone that isn’t remotely in line with exactly what the regime wants now ends up on an assassination list.

          Dismissing it as just “psyops” is a defence of a very clear and inarguable act of fascist terror. By dismissing it we would be normalising the act of putting people on assassination lists for saying extremely mild things that a government dislikes.

          Ukraine is acting worse than Israel and people are actively defending and normalising it.

          • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.mlM
            2 years ago

            Ukraine now gets a free pass for literally everything because HURR DURR RUSSIA BAD! That was made official when Amnesty retracted their report about unethical Ukranian war tactics this month because people freaked out that they would DARE criticise anything about Ukraine. I’m convinced that they can literally open up an extermination camp for Russian POWs with gas chambers and the West will find a way to spin that as either “they need it to defeat Russia” or “Russians are even worse so that makes it okay”, you know, the arguments they used to smear the Amnesty report.

            And these are the people who accuse us (socialists) of “whataboutism”.

          • 8Petros (he/him)
            -152 years ago

            Having a choice between the Ukrainians and the Russian Empire (self-certified genocidal and literally fascist project) I still chose Ukrainians. Let alone the fact that my place is in the pipeline for Russian invasion, just after Moldova and Prybaltyka.

            Every Russian politician, oligarch, soldier, agent, troll or useful idiot stopped or scared away by the Ukrainians is one less to deal with, when our time comes.

                • Lenins2ndCat
                  2 years ago
                  1. This is a private news outlet. Not the Russian state.

                  2. It does not support your position that they are “self certified genocidal” and "fascist. What you have linked to quite explicitly states “the people are good, the government is bad”.

                  You are committing a form of soft holocaust denial when you misuse the term genocide to describe something that is objectively not a genocide. It’s extremely offensive to actual victims of genocide and very damaging when we have to raise the issue of real genocides.

                  • @guojing@lemmy.ml
                    -62 years ago

                    The holocaust has nothing to do with this. In fact, its kind of funny that you brijg it up, because the holocaust is treated as the worst genocide ever, when the vast majority of people killed by Nazi Germany were ethnic slavs and Russians.

                • @gun@lemmy.ml
                  102 years ago

                  This was Google translated, but I think it gets the same meaning:

                  Further denazification of this mass of the population consists in re-education, which is achieved by ideological repression (suppression) of Nazi attitudes and strict censorship

                  If I am anticipating your line of thought correctly, this quote should clarify and disproves that this journalist wants to kill the Ukrainian population. That is a bald-faced lie. On top of that, this is an opinion piece in the news. State run or not, it is not an official position of the Russian government.

                  • 8Petros (he/him)
                    2 years ago

                    I answered your question. The document I linked convinced me that Russian Federation has clear intent to wipe out Ukrainians as an ethnic and political entity. 8 months later, an in context of “genocide checklist” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_stages_of_genocide) compared with Russian actions and propaganda, I am even more convinced.

                    Mind the fact that I present my perspective and factors that influenced it, not any kind of absolute truth. So feel free to ignore it.