He is clearly helping retain the absolute monarchy in power.

Bowser is not a freedom fighter either, he is comprador. But like all compradors, he doesn’t know it. He thinks once the USA lets him have power, he will be rich. In truth he is a Batista, only allowed in power if he succeeds and deposed as soon as he stops being useful.

How do you think he’s recruiting all the goombas and koopas for his army? And their weapons? Not to mention the logistics of maintaining and deploying such an army. Of course he has an international backer.

If Mario was a communist, he would let the bourgeoisie fight while building dual power with the many minorities of the mushroom kingdom’s past imperialist conquests.

To also settle this question, toads are NOT class-conscious workers. They are the elite, loyal guards of the monarchy (see the Sunshine leaks for example: Toads formed the Princess’ escort during her vacation to US-aligned Delfino island). They are a fiercely loyal, fascist guard meant to quell any worker uprising. Is it any surprise that this guard is all picked from the same ethnic group? Much like Banderites and Azovites in Ukraine, they have a few pogroms under their belt and terrorise civilians of the Mushroom Kingdom. Hopefully the opening up of the kingdom’s archives after a socialist revolution will shed some light on events that still have no conclusive answers.

In this struggle, you might think the monarchy is the progressive force compared to whatever the comprador Bowser will enact with help from the great Satan. It is true in a way, but this would ignore that the US is actually funding BOTH Bowser AND the Monarchy!

Much like Afghanistan or Cuba in their time, the US through the CIA and NED is funding everyone and their mother and will formalise relations with whichever group comes out on top.

The Mushroom Kingdom is not being funded, you say? Then how do they rebuild so fast after Bowser shells the country and the royal capital? The mushroom kingdom has no natural resources and their economy is predicated on tourism – what little there is. There is no conceivable way they should be as wealthy as they are.

Where do you think Bowser gets his bombs and weapons? In this way the USA is double-dipping: first it sells weapons to Bowser, then it sells loans to the monarchy to rebuild the damage those bombs caused. This is a Syrian scenario and is nothing out of the ordinary for Amerika.

In this analysis, Mario might be the synthetic left, appropriating common communist symbols (such as the color red) to prevent class-consciousness from forming and redirecting any revolutionary urge into the “left-wing” of the monarchy. He might as well be funded by the CIA for all we know.

    • ☭ 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗘𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 ☭A
      2 years ago

      I recommend getting a used one, unless you’re planning on playing really demanding games. You can probably get a decent laptop that’ll play most older games (definitely Robo Blast 2, and maybe newer games on low settings, depending on how well optimized they are) on eBay or something like that. Depends on what specifications you’re used to on your current laptop

        • ☭ 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗘𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 ☭A
          2 years ago

          Desktops are much cheaper than laptops for the initial purchase, but the electricity cost will be much higher (the wattage on a desktop PSU is often around 600-700W, although it will mostly use significantly less)

          I’m currently writing this on a 15-year-old laptop and it can play Robo Blast 2 reasonably well (the framerate is capped to 30, which isn’t ideal for high-speed games)

            • ☭ 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗘𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 ☭A
              2 years ago

              Probably, although if it’s running Windows XP you’d probably need to change to Linux or something more up-to-date (Windows 7 is a decent option if the laptop can handle it). It’ll likely be capped to 30 FPS as well, unless you use an external monitor

                • It’s not really difficult to install something like Ubuntu (a very beginner-friendly Linux distribution). You just need to burn their ISO file (which contains the operating system and an installer) to a USB drive using something like UNetbootin on Windows. (Although if you’re not really used to laptop/desktop computers, this might sound like gibberish)