• @KommandoGZD
    2 years ago

    If legit workers showing how their helmets are shiddy compared to bosses helmets. But like - that wouldn’t be good obviously, but it’s such a trivial thing to post. This happens on sites all around the world. People only give a shit, because it’s a chance for a quick 2min hate on Chyna. Had this come from anywhere else it would’ve gotten 5 views and one comment being like “their company sucks, so what?”

    • @Munrock
      82 years ago

      Had this come from anywhere else

      Irony is, if it happened in China those workers have a union, and that union has a seat at some level of legislative government.

      The story accompanying this video only gets traction because it’s the kind of thing that can happen in neolib shithole democracies, where unions are mostly feeble or controlled. Westerners project.

    • @roastpotatothief@lemmy.ml
      -32 years ago

      That is a very shitty helmet. See how thin the plastic is, and how easily he smashes it. That yellow helmet provides zero protection from anything. That site should be closed down because of that video. If it’s not, there is a serious problem with the regulation in whatever territory this is.

      • @donaloc@lemmy.ml
        -62 years ago

        For all its capitalist growth, China is a very long way off communism, sadly. When the CCP allowed factory owners to stay on as members - that should have proof if it were needed of the implications of going down the capitalist road.

        If you have read and understood Mao you should know this already. That doesn’t mean any less opposition to US imperialism etc but we are Marxists and can do dialectical contradictions - right?

          • @donaloc@lemmy.ml
            12 years ago

            It’s very hard to explain in even a long comment. There are also different ways of conceiving them - basically and extremely TLDR they are fundamental (material/social) contradictions in a process of self-development. Mao wrote a book ‘on contradiction’ which is worth reading but his dialectics has certainly been subject to criticism as it can be quite mechanical and also his explanation of development involving contradictions is quite simplistic - it has been said that he was influenced by the historic Chinese dialectical tradition. The classic texts on idealistic dialectics (not counting Aristotle) would be by Hegel (most obviously the Phenomenologie der Geist or Logik but anything of his is full of it). These are not the right place to start however, and I would suggedt reading but not relying upon an introductory text before checking out Lenin who wrote some great stuff on it too. Perhaps the best materialistic dialectical book is Kapital vol 1 by Marx. There’s a huge amount more I could say here but will end it now.

            • @roastpotatothief@lemmy.ml
              12 years ago

              From some quick research this seems to be the kernel

              Something is either A or not A; there is no third. sweet, not sweet? green, not green? The determination should lead to determinateness, but in this triviality it leads to nothing.

              it is said that there is no third. There is a third in this thesis itself. A itself is the third, for A can be both + A and - A.

              Every concrete thing, every concrete something, stands in multifarious and often contradictory relations to everything else, ergo it is itself and some other.

              Is that it, or close enough?