• @savoy
    123 years ago

    Lmao I went to school in Florida with the OP. He’s a privileged DSA-rose twitter type tech bro, I’ve seen awful takes of his posted around so many time

    Wouldn’t be surprised if he posted takes shitting on the people in the South for living in a red state

    • @CriticalResist8A
      83 years ago

      Do you mean Tim Boyd or are you referring to someone else?

      • @savoy
        93 years ago

        Oh I mean the guy who tweeted the screenshot. My first time living in the US and I meet him lol

    • loathesome dongeaterM
      43 years ago

      Lots of anti-Trump stuff and retweets gems like this:

      My least favorite tweets are the ones that go “America is broken beyond repair” in reference to a problem that can be fixed with like an amendment to an existing law.