So I’ve had this as audiobook in my library for a while and thought I’d finally give it a go on a long train ride, because I’m out of other stuff to listen to.

But my god…there’s some useful stuff here, but I’m barely a chapter in and she’s already insinuated the Tinyman massacre (on students wanting neoliberal reforms) happened so China could implement neoliberal reforms/shock doctrine, repeatedly compared China’s economic model to Russia and the US and coined the term “corporatism”, because neoliberalisms natural conlusion “isn’t capitalism or neoliberalism or neoconservatism”.

Is it even worth going through the rest of it or could other works provide the same info without this anti-communist libshit?


From Chile to China to Iraq torture has been a silent partner in the free-market crusade

I’m going insane. Also why in the world would anyone describe torture as a SILENT partner ffs

  • Muad'DibberA
    102 years ago

    I also tried reading a few years ago, and couldn’t finish it. Sometimes socdems seem to be educated, but when they parrot all the same anti-communist lines everyone else does, it kinda throws their credibility into question.

    I’m pretty much done reading works by anticommunists after reading the jakarta method, and sperbers biography of Marx. When there’s just as much misinformation as information, you don’t know what info from them you can trust.

      • Muad'DibberA
        52 years ago

        I got through it but there was some wild anticommunism in it for being a book primarily about the anti-communist mass-killings in Indonesia and Brazil. Bevins even weirdly claims Stalin tried to sabotage / kill Kim Il sung at one point iirc. And of course he parrots the “totalitarian communist excesses in eastern europe” line too.