What’s something low profile comrades say that communicate immediately that they know which side they fight for in the class struggle?

Example: if anyone in the wild speaks “material conditions”, or “bourgeois state”, out loud, I’m listening.

  • KiG V2
    1 year ago

    I would say people of all political persuasions say “based,” and unfortunately neither “Marxist,” “communist,” nor “Cuba” seems to guarantee they aren’t just a leftcom or similar adjacent variant.

    If I say someone with a “death to amerikkka” shirt, I would push old grannies over to talk to them.

    • QueerCommie
      1 year ago

      The one who said “based” also made clear his favorite streamer is Hasan. He also complimented my Mao computer background. The one who mentioned Marxism and people’s history has a Sankara sticker among others. The one who positively mentioned communism im not 100% sure about. Last year someone complimented my baret and said they were reminded of Che (who’s great and I should learn about him if I didn’t already). We talked about music and the daily show and stuff. I wish i talked with him more before he graduated. I almost forgot, one of my teachers made an assignment specifically about Marxism and didn’t flinch when I praised Stalin.

      stalin heart hands I made the shirt this 4th of July and wore it to the independence potluck thing. No one mentioned it except my mom’s based friend who I talked about books with.

      • QueerCommie
        1 year ago

        I forgot to mention, I first realized he was a Hasan fan after he said “based” when he said “it’s joever” and that that’s what his favorite streamer says.