i really didn’t want to have clear cut examples of fascism grow in my country to this meme, but i guess here we are.

  • cfgaussian
    1 year ago

    There is not that big a difference between the AfD and the “mainstream” parties in Germany. The AfD normalizes fascism domestically but the SPD and Greens are currently doing the same abroad. The AfD propagate islamophobic racism and want to murder migrants while the more mainstream parties prefer their racism with a russophobic flavor and love to send heavy weaponry (and possibly Bundeswehr soldiers if a recent story about this is to be believed) to Ukraine to kill Russians. This ostensibly “center-left” coalition government has been the biggest European supporter of Ukraine’s fascist regime. The only country that has sent more weapons to Ukrainian Nazis than Germany is the US. Just the other day we had a post here with a story about how the German government refuses to say that Azov or even oldschool Nazi Ukrainian SS divisions can be classified as right wing extremists. They allowed the Ukrainian ambassador, a rabid Banderite, to engage in holocaust revisionism and glorify holocaust perpetrators while in Germany with virtually zero protest from the German government. They have also passed laws that allow them to imprison you for simply speaking out in favor of Russia. They can freeze your bank accounts and go after your family if you do journalism from the wrong side of the contact line (see the case of Alina Lipp). All of this sounds pretty damn fascist to me. Between the AfD’s xenophobia and flirting with neonazis domestically and the Greens’ unhinged warmongering and support of Nazis abroad it’s hard to tell which is worse.