• Justice
    1 year ago


    Working within basically the same current framework (which I’d toss completely, but, for the sake of discussion here) you’d have to 1) abolish the senate and 2) completely throw out the voting stuff that is individually decided by state. Effectively abolish states as far as legal stuff goes.

    Who is the president or not obviously matters, but you can’t “fix” (make at least somewhat functional) the government in the US without throwing out all the rotten racist undergrowth from the original writing of the constitution. So, the states gotta go and that means senators basically gotta go. You could keep the president, maybe, but strip his military powers. Leave votes of war or military aid up to direct democracy (preferably) or the congress with no executive input- they just carry out legal wars if decided upon (basically the way it’s SUPPOSED to be…). Btw, yes, this would basically mean war would never happen since people don’t want that shit. I mean there’s a lot of shit I would change like maybe abolish SCOTUS in some regard or at least have an option to vote them out via direct vote and 51% kicks them out. I dunno. Direct votes for laws. I mean if we’re being very honest now days we COULD have direct votes on almost every single issue and congress/president simply implements and oversees things. We don’t need “representatives” but there’s obviously capital reasons why they want representatives and not the public voting (and some legitimate obstacles in the past which are gone now days around voting and counting, etc.) on things that actually matter. If we all got to vote on like public healthcare? Yeah no shit, done. Federally legal everywhere abortion? 65-70% yes vote, done. List goes on. No shit they don’t want people having power.