found this here and saw this a lot in lemmygrad communities.

So i know that this has some kind of relation to marx, that his work is “dialetical materialistl”. But i always struggle to completely understand what this even means.

  • (I’m also new to Marxism, so take this with at least three teaspoons of sodium chloride.)

    My understanding is that it basically boils down to analyzing real-world (material) conditions and societal contradictions. For example, to integrate a particular group of people into a revolutionary movement, you need to understand their material needs (concretely, not vague, non-material things like “unhappiness” – e.g. food insecurity, homelessness, or poor working conditions) and the contradictions of the society in which they live (for capitalism, this is primarily the irreconcilable interests of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat).