The UN Security Council, under pressure from the west, was about to slap the DPRK with even more sanctions. And this during a Covid outbreak, completely heartless! But the imperialists didnt count on internationalist solidarity! Russia and China, despite the deranged cries of the imperialists (“muh dictatorships and nukes”), vetoed the sanctions package. Yes!

  • SaddamHussein24OP
    2 years ago

    Yeah, well meaning but a moron nonetheless. He also slandered and forcefully retired many based members of the CPSU who were opposing his bs. For example Grigory Romanov, who tried but failed to be elected as General Secretary in Gorbachevs place in 1985. He supported economic reforms but without betraying marxism leninism and without liberalism. Gorbachev accused him of being “conservative”, “authoritarian” and “stalinist” and sent him into early retirement. He did this with many others. He kicked out all the principled MLs and filled the party with liberals and opportunists like Yakovlev and Yeltsin.