Since the libs keep telling me that I am a state capitalist, I asked AI about that term out of curiosity and I got this answer.

“The term you are looking for is “state socialism” or “state capitalism.” State socialism is an economic system in which the state owns and controls the means of production, and the state plays a significant role in the economy. In this system, the state may own all the businesses and capital, and private property may be abolished.

State socialism is often seen as a transitional phase between capitalism and socialism, where the state takes control of the means of production in order to redistribute wealth and resources more equally. The ultimate goal of state socialism is to eventually transition to a socialist society where the means of production are owned and controlled by the workers or community, rather than the state.

It’s worth noting that state socialism has been implemented in various forms in different countries throughout history, and the specific characteristics of this system can vary depending on the country and the political ideology of the ruling party. Some examples of state socialist systems include the former Soviet Union, China, and Cuba.

In contrast, socialism, in its pure form, is an economic system where the means of production are owned and controlled by the workers or community, rather than the state. In socialism, private property is abolished, and the focus is on meeting the needs of all members of society, rather than maximizing profits for a select few. Socialism can take various forms, such as cooperative socialism, market socialism, or democratic socialism.

It’s worth noting that the terms “state socialism” and “state capitalism” are often used interchangeably, but they have slightly different meanings. State capitalism refers specifically to an economic system where the state plays a significant role in the economy, but private property still exists. In contrast, state socialism refers to an economic system where the state owns and controls the means of production, and private property has been abolished.”

  • knfrmity
    1 year ago

    These AI things don’t do well with nuance and haven’t been trained on any socio-economic theory beyond neoliberal textbooks.

    There was a thread on Lemmygrad in the last week or so discussing why libs always reach for the term state capitalism, there’s some good stuff in there.