I have this friend that moved from Brazil to the US. She never cared about politics and now she has joined the fucking US army. I mean she really disliked anything remotely political and now this happens, wtf? I cant wrap my mind around it. How did this happen? Like, how does the US make people wanna join their stupid ass murder machine?

  • DjangoDecoded
    2 years ago

    Second Thought made a video about the US army’s recruitment practices: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePj9P3pJkJ0&t=528s.

    From what I know, it’s mostly the army providing so many benefits that attracts people to enlist. Considering how desperate living conditions have become, it’s like who wouldn’t want to join a program that will cover your education and healthcare expenses? Although, I guess this is just for how the US makes people enlist in its army in general.

    • @redshiftedbrazilianOP
      32 years ago

      I really like second thought. I’m going to watch this video later thanks!