
  • erpicht
    72 years ago

    I grew up loving them and all the additional media they spawned, from games to books to toys. The world-building is quite well done, and without those movies to provide the foundation for that, the galaxy would be all the lesser.

    But purely as films, they have a lot of poor writing choices at the plot and character levels that have become more apparent as I’ve grown older. There is a lot to criticize about the execution of the story. The plot of AOTC is just bizarre, but not fully developing Anakin and Obi-Wan’s relationship in TPM and AOTC is perhaps one of the biggest examples of a poor choice. Padmé was sidelined in ROTS; another frustrating choice in hindsight. Now, despite people’s complaints about the politics being boring, I was fascinated by that aspect as a kid, as it was presented easily enough to be understandable for me at the time. The music is fantastic, and the visuals were far ahead of their time.

    Revenge of the Sith was the first Star Wars film I was old enough to see in theaters, and it’s one of my dearest childhood memories.

    • @Rafael_LuisiOP
      52 years ago

      I recomend to you an you tube series called “revenge of the prequels” by anomaly inc, hedives deep into the plot of the prequels and debunk a lot of anti prequel popular opinions, you are probably going to like it.

      • erpicht
        52 years ago

        Not really my cup of tea; I’m already not a fan of I Hate Everything, The Nostalgia Critic, Cosmonaut Variety Hour, and that crowd of “video essayists.”

        • @Rafael_LuisiOP
          42 years ago

          Better yet, he is debunking those nerds that keep saying the same popular opinion to make views.

          • erpicht
            32 years ago

            Yes, I saw the playlist too. It’s a lot of low-hanging fruit; those he debunks aren’t exactly known for their “great ability” to analyze media, popularity notwithstanding.