
Reddit r/harrypotter |

TL/DR: We have raised our almost 8 yr old daughter to believe she’s a Witch from an old Wizarding family. We’re looking for more sophisticated and creative ideas from the r/HarryPotier community to keep this thing going.

Since our daughter was 5 and my wife and | first started reading her the Harry Potter books we have told her that she is a witch and that the Wizarding World is real. She is almost 8 and as her questions have gotten deeper, we’ve kept building the illusion with more details about our family genealogy and its connection to book characters, stories about times we used magic (and the life and moral lessons we learned about it). She has processed many difficult subjects like racism, climate change and even the Coronavirus through this lens.

Before other parents judge or lecture :We know it’s gas-lighting and that eventually she’ll have be disappointed and have trust issues with us when she learns the truth. We justify it that we are adding magic to her childhood, and giving her motivation to reach her full (magical) potential (since she needs to study hard to be accepted to Hogwarts). We’ve asked serious questions of her teachers and they think it’s more awesome and creative than damaging. (At the very worst case, my take is that it’s analogous to children being raised to believe that traditional religious stories are true and that when the truth hits it will teach her to ask critical questions and not accept everything she hears or reads at face value.)

We’re looking for more ideas for how to inject little bits of Harry Potter magic into every day life using technology, crafts and adding more details to the fanfic that is our lives

  • Oatsteak
    2 years ago

    What makes you say that? In my experience religious people seem sincere in their beliefs.

    • @mylifeforaiur
      2 years ago

      Their actions often speak otherwise. They’re sincere when they can use these beliefs as a weapon against someone they don’t like. And they’re somewhat less sincere when doing things like cheating on their wives, gossiping, or really committing any other kind of sin they find personally convenient.

      The worship of money and wealth in the Usian church really tells you everything you need to know about how sincere they are.

      • Oatsteak
        52 years ago

        No arguments there. Hypocrisy is incredibly common in the religious for sure. I think that’s different from being a liar though. Sort of? It’s still a form of dishonesty… Idk, maybe it’s just semantics.

        • @cfgaussian
          22 years ago

          Lying to yourself is also a form of lying.