• Muad'DibberOPA
    4 years ago

    Marxism has many success stories, if you don’t have time to read blackshirts and reds, here’s a good article about the USSR’s successes. They went from a feudal economy at the same level of economic development and population as brazil in 1920, to a world superpower who saved the world from fascism and conquered space travel within 30 years.

    China in the past 30 years has brought more people out of poverty than any country in history, lead by the communist party and its poverty alleviation and development campaigns. China is a much poorer country per capita than the US, yet has a higher life expectancy.

    Cuba, mongolia, vietnam, burkina faso under sankara, maurice bishop in grenada, yugoslavia, all had incredible successes and learning about them should be necessary. Anti-communists use vague arguments about authoritarianism (bc they don’t consider capitalism / bourgeois democracy authoritarian, even despite its genocidal militarism), and deflect from looking at material conditions of people.