Even Western sources admit that the CIA and FBI meddles in it. Can’t imagine why they miiight want to smear the USSR and Stalin right? The agencies that created the Banana Republics in Latin America, used Agent Orange on Vietnamese villagers, suppressed any sort of socialist thought and imprisoned US socialists during the Red Scare despite accusing the USSR of suppressing thought in the exact same way and violating the 1st amendment of their own constitution, and gave us MK Ultra and other horribly unethical experiments done on unknowing and nonconsenting test subjects?
Even Western sources admit that the CIA and FBI meddles in it. Can’t imagine why they miiight want to smear the USSR and Stalin right? The agencies that created the Banana Republics in Latin America, used Agent Orange on Vietnamese villagers, suppressed any sort of socialist thought and imprisoned US socialists during the Red Scare despite accusing the USSR of suppressing thought in the exact same way and violating the 1st amendment of their own constitution, and gave us MK Ultra and other horribly unethical experiments done on unknowing and nonconsenting test subjects?
how come u get to cite the cia calling him not a dictator
but we dont get to cite wikipedia which the cia edits calling him 1
its not fair