Now that anti-imperialism has entered the mainstream and is pretty popular, they’re coopting it and presenting USA as anti-imperialist. I have a feeling once communism attains mainstream acceptance in USA they will come and say actually USA has always been the bastion of real communism and that USSR was actually the real capitalists because words have no meaning anymore.

  • @VictimOfReligion
    2 years ago

    Don’t know if Lib or Anarchist.

    BTW: Yeah, Anglos and religious in general are supef pros in changing and revisioning the narrative by interest. If being traditional gets and maintain adepts “we are the bastion of tradition and maintaining the natural laws, amen!” if the contrary "We were actually the first progressive religion ever made by the grace of our own and only god, absolutely never manufactured nor having any historical evidence of being man made from other pagans- don’t you dare looking for it! - and we are the true leftist! "

    That’s peak reactionary behavior, if you ask me.

    • @xxcvzvcxxOP
      132 years ago

      That’s peak reactionary behavior, if you ask me.

      Absolutely true, I had never considered that.

      • @VictimOfReligion
        2 years ago

        Reactionaries will move earth and sea to keep their ideology alive at all cost.

        Edit: Shit, I can no longer write lol. So many errors writing.