I asked a transphobe a question in a very hostile way, but not suggesting anything hateful or violent. But I got banned for promoting hate. Got ultra banned from the whole website.

  • immoral_hedge
    2 years ago

    You are wasting time arguing with kink_haver_43 for sure, but thats nothing new. Nobody is saying thats good revolutionary praxis. And no, you will not be banned for mildy supporting China. I do it almost everyday.

    What will get you banned is trolling, spamming and saying things like «all nazis should be dead». However, VPN is cheap/free. Banned on Reddit is not something thats hard to get around.

    What i know, is there is possibilty to spread videos and news trough trial and error. Ex. nihilist subreddits is a easier place to organicly grow your propaganda posts before crossposting to others. Doing this, you can check how many are clicking on your post, how many times its been shared etc. trough reddits analytics page. A simple video with ~200-300 upvotes is easily 30k viewers on just 1 subreddit in 2 hours. Usually i crosspost to 4-5 more ending with ~100k views in ~24 hours. Do you know how many subs i would need on ex YouTube to get those views? How will you beat those numbers by talking to people irl? Imo both online and irl agitation are equally necessary.