I’ve seen so much about Ceaucescu but not about him and I couldn’t find too much info so how was, it was good or bad?

  • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
    2 年前

    I’d say good overall, but this is just my opinion.

    Gheorghiu-Dej’s first years were a bit shaky, as he grew distrustful of other influential leaders within the PMR, and a number of them were arrested.

    But there were also huge leaps in the development of Romania under his leadership. The national electrification and anti-illiteracy campaigns began, mechanized agriculture became more common, both light and heavy industries were developed (with heavy industries generally being favoured).

    Agreements with Yugoslavia were signed regarding the construction of the Iron Gates hydroelectric dam, and you also had the beginnings of a proper tourist industry.

    • SkullRedHankOP
      2 年前

      Hmm I see. Do you have any documentation or works about it? Don’t mind if it’s in romanian

      • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
        2 年前

        Cred că o sursă decentă care cuprinde mult din ce am precizat mai sus ar fi acest manual de istorie contemporană al României din 1983. În acest caz, porțiunea relevantă începe la partea a treia (pg. 142).

        Nu este perfect, ignorând practic complet conflictele dintre facțiuniile PMR de la începutul aniilor 50, iar anumite detalii sunt prezentate mai înfrumusețat. Cuprinde totuși multe informații despre dezvoltarea țării (precum planul de electrificare și mecanizarea agriculturii), cât și informații despre organizarea politică a republicii populare.