Especially when communists are on the table, they just always lean fucking fascist.

  • NasgorTikusEnjoyer
    232 years ago

    It all depends on the person’s material condition, most liberals (and most people in general) in the west tend to be white and middle class and fascism is less of a threat to them personally than communism. Opposing fascism for liberals comes from virtue signaling and general societal agreement that fascism is bad but communism directly threatens their livelihoods. Propaganda helps, sure but not even genocide, brainwashing and indoctrination from childhood can fight personal material interest. I’m from Indonesia and everyone in my family wants to kill “communists” but are still in unions, support subsidies and join protests against privatization. Their material class interest overrides all the indoctrination and brainwashing that they got.

    • comfy
      62 years ago

      I think it’s also to do with the (explicit) fascist movement in places like America being smaller, less visible in media and less connected to riots and other things seen as threats to liberals. They probably think fascism is dead (well, unless they think Trump is a fascist).