Breaking out of the whole liberalism thing is pretty hard and very rare, especially in the imperial core. There often isn’t anyone else who listens or respects your political opinions, much less shares them. How do ya’ll get by? I don’t feel like I am.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    2 years ago

    I’ve been lucky enough to’ve found a bunch of people who’re at least open to far-left ideology, that I know as long as I don’t praise Stalin or give them a lecture on AES I can talk about p much anything and not get scorn.

    I think the key is finding the people who share your interests, and hate capitalism enough to be repulsed by what I call the “soft left”. they’re rare, but they’re out there. The internet is a wonderful place to find these humans.

    But, often I end up in the situation of finding out someone I’ve hitched my friendship wagon to has some choice opinions, or is an anti-communist, or was just larping as an anti-capitalist, and I don’t really handle that well. I honestly have no idea how to go about dealing with that, other than just blocking/ghosting that person and pretending I was never really that close to them.