I used to be interested in philosophy back in highschool, but now it’s just not doing it for me. Alot of it just seems to be like I think therefore I am, but if I wasn’t I wouldn’t be because if I was I would, but if I couldn’t, then I wouldn’t be able to, and if i… like bro maybe I’m dumb, but wtf are these dudes on about??? 😭

On another note, some of the worst of it like Nihilism goes so well hand in hand with capitalism.

  • @IdliketothinkimsmartOP
    2 years ago

    Wow, what a quote from Nietzsche: …"This aristocratic praxis began to crystallize in Human All Too Human where the thinker envisioned a future utopia based on suffering. Spiritual suffering ‘could be achieved if society was split into two classes: the caste of forced labour and the caste of idlers, or those capable of true leisure and capable at the same time as suffering deeply’ ”.

    Something always did rub me the wrong way about this guy.

    I don’t know if this is taken out of context, but man that doesn’t read too well.

    • @baffled_and_aghast
      22 years ago

      It’s throughout his work, from the beginning to the end. From BGE:

      In the past, every elevation of the type ‘human being’ was achieved by an aristocratic society—and this will always be the case: by a society that believes in a great ladder of hierarchy and value differentiation between people and that requires slavery in one sense or another. Without the grand feeling of distance that grows from inveterate class differences, from the ruling caste’s constant view downwards onto its underlings and tools, and from its equally constant practice in obeying and commanding, in holding down and holding at arm’s length—without this grand attitude, that other, more mysterious attitude could never exist, that longing for ever greater distances within the soul itself, the development of ever higher, rarer, more far-flung, extensive, spacious inner states, in short, the elevation of the type ‘human being’, the continual ‘self-overcoming of the human’, to use a moral formula in a supra-moral sense.

      • @IdliketothinkimsmartOP
        12 years ago

        I can now go to sleep knowing my deep seated resentment for Nietzsche was in fact more than justified.