Title says it all.

This is a judgement-heavy zone and everyone has bad taste.

  • KiG V2OP
    52 years ago

    Yeah, I will say I sobbed uncontrollably at the very last scene.

    It wasn’t all doom and gloom though! I think he reached a certain internal peace despite being so traumatized by his death hallucinations (I know that should fuck me up), he lost a lot of his long-term relationships but there’s a flicker of hope for a few of them. I think he reached a point where he fucked up his life, accepts it, and is ready to gently build himself a newer one, one with less drugs sex and parties and more of the pruning a plant, taking walks on the beach and having frank but compassionate conversations.

    • @cayde6ml
      2 years ago

      I agree with the sentiment, and it makes sense. I just think its still too “salty” and that Bojack should have at least find someone who accepts him.

      • KiG V2OP
        22 years ago

        Yeah, poor guy…he has a heart.