it is nice to see people (especially older where one would assume is more traditional) in the imperial core realising state media contains bullshit, he was of Prussian and Jewish descent and recognised what a puppet Zelensky is, shook hands with him.

  • @pinkeston
    2 years ago

    Older people are 100% more based than younger generations

    The propaganda machine and cultural hegemony has only gotten stronger since the Cold War

    Just look at polls on opinions of socialism in Eastern Europe and things that challenge imperialist propaganda (like USA/the West being most responsible for winning WWII)

    Younger people may be more likely to hate capitalism but older generations, especially in Europe and USA are more likely to hold true communist/anti-imperialist beliefs

    American communist parties’ membership over time also supports this

    • @sinovictorchan
      92 years ago

      That is why the 2019 Hong Kong protest consist of younger generation who had never experience the life under British colonial rule and take their human right under Communist China rule for granted and the reason why the American government agents could only gather Chinese youth into the 1989 Tiananmen Square to transform a funeral into a protest before killing the protestors in their false flag terrorism. The adult population priviledged rich white class in Venezuela under Chavez presidency also do not openly oppose Chavez in contrast to their younger generation of rich spoiled kids who openly slander Chavez in public and boost about colonization of Venezuelans.