I don’t know if this is the community to ask this but i don’t know where to post otherwise. And sorry for my bad english

Ok so, i am new to communism/socialism and have been teaching myself what the principles of the ideology are. But i am really confused, and need help in learning the beliefs of communism/socialism.

For example: What side do you guys stand against the war in Ukraine? Are there any books or documentries that can help me understand communism a bit better? Is religion accepted in a communist nation? What is the AES? Etc.

Any information is usefull.
May God bless you and have a nice day…

Edit: Sorry, but after reading the reasons on why Russia is right in this conflict. I can’t agree with it, i’m sorry but war isn’t the way. And i do not support Ukraine for that matter, Ukraine is very corrupted and fascist. But gotta say, thank you for teaching me what i can do to learn communism a bit better, i am very gratefull…

  • @lxvi@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Socialists always stand for revolutionary defeatism. You should always want your country to lose in it’s imperial pursuits. Getting into the weeds is a distraction and it’s fueled by capitalist propaganda. As a United States subject I am always on the side of the United States defeat.

    First, I am equally under the thumb of the United States Bourgeoisie. For me to ever be personally free they must be defeated.

    Second, I know the character of the United States. I’m not a child. I’ve seen the history of United States foreign involvement, and without knowing any facts can assume that whatever the United States is currently doing in Ukraine is aligned with all of it’s other foreign adventures. How many times should you allow yourself to be fooled?

    Capitalism and Imperialism are tied hand in glove. After Capitalism develops as far as it can within it’s own borders the national bourgeoisie seek to apply the principles of capitalism to other nations. This is imperialism.

    This is what the United States was doing in Ukraine and the Russian response was predicted by just about everyone of importance. Oliver Stone is a great film maker. He foresaw and documents this crisis well before it was on anyone’s minds. If you are interested in the conflict I highly recommend you watching Ukraine on Fire. https://rumble.com/vwxxi8-ukraine-on-fire.html

    As far as religion is concerned, there have been some historical conflicts between religion and notable revolutions. Most importantly, the French Revolution, which was of course not socialist. The Religious institutions supported the Monarchy. The Divine right to rule comes out of support from the Church. The Church was also a cooperative element in the exploitation and oppression of peasants and serfs. It wasn’t necessarily religion as a philosophy that the French Revolution had a problem with. It was the material institutions which had been harming them and were at that moment fighting against them. The same was true for the Russian Revolution. Remember that Russia at the time of the revolution was a feudal nation ruled by the Czars as well as the Orthodox Church.

    To call Communism anti religious would be similar to calling Modernity itself anti religious. Both revolutions had to fight violently against the Church. Protestantism had to fight similarly during the Protestant Reformations. The Church during these times were political institutions with a lot of power. You’re already aware of many examples of the Church demonstrating it’s power. If the Church and State are joined, it’s impossible to wage a revolution against one and not the other. So that is the historical background to your question on religion.

    • Sojik
      22 years ago

      I believe revolutionary defeatism was something Lenin was specifically calling for in his material analysis of Russia in the First World War. Believing revolutionary defeatism is always applicable is a mistake.

      • @lxvi@lemmy.ml
        12 years ago

        I personally see the fall of the US hegemony; the IMF, WTO, NATO, as paramount. This case is no different for me.

        The United States is attempted to exercise it’s power and it is failing. That for me is the greatest good.

        I don’t see how socialism can move forward while the US maintains hegemony.