Twelve-year-old Bangladeshi girl Alifa Chin has a unique story. In 2010, her mother was diagnosed with a serious heart disease. Local medical conditions were poor but luckily a hospital ship from China visited Bangladesh at the time, and they managed to successfully deliver the baby.

Sheng Ruifang was one of the Chinese doctors who treated Alifa’s mother. She now works at No. 1 Hospital Affiliated with the Naval Medical University in Shanghai. Alifa calls Sheng her “Chinese mom.”

This March, Alifa wrote a letter to Chinese President Xi Jinping, telling the story of her birth. At the Chinese Embassy in Bangladesh, Alifa received a reply from President Xi.

In his letter, Xi encourages Alifa to work hard and study medicine in China in the future.

  • CritiGalDesist∞
    9 months ago

    I’m from Bangladesh and nothing like that happened here! That’s straight chineze propaganda! /s