I just finished Come and See, which is a famous Soviet film.

I’m on a movie high right now and need more. What else should I watch? What other Soviet films or foreign films should I watch?

Can be old

Or it can be contemporary.

Just give me some films to watch.

Doesn’t even have to be communist.

  • @CriticalResist8A
    24 years ago

    I tried watching Rashomon… bear in mind I’m not really a movie person. I’m not used to black and white movies and coupled with the very slow start, I didn’t last even ten minutes on that one.

    But I watched the Seven Samurai, and it was amazing. It’s a film from 1954 and yet it hasn’t aged one day. Perhaps helped by the black and white filming method, it transports you back to that era (of an unspecified medieval Japan) and the direction really sells it. I distinctly remember Kyozo’s introductory scene (he was the stoic one), which I won’t spoil here but you have to remember this is a movie on a set with actors, and yet for a brief moment it felt like we really were there.

    What I found really funny though was the intermission in the middle of the movie that was actually hardcoded in there lol.

    • @darkcalling
      24 years ago

      Seven Samurai takes place in the Sengoku period which literally means a time of upheaval. 1400s to early 1600-ish. The presence of guns is a tell it’s towards the later end of that.