I have historically had a very weak body, but my upper body has been the weakest link on top of that. I have been decent at squats and deadlifts because I played a lot of soccer before but never bothered with working on my arms and chest.

Now I started dedicating a day each in my routine to chest and shoulders, and do biceps with back and triceps with chest and have been gaining mass and strengrh really fast so I am really excited to see how this is going to unfold because never in my life have I perceived myself to be strong but it seems within the realm of possibility now.

  • Makan ☭ CPUSA
    34 years ago

    Do you know anything I should do to work my abdomen, chest area, and arms?

    I’ve focused too much on my legs, I think.

    • loathesome dongeaterOP
      34 years ago

      I can’t help much because I only know how to 1) play soccer 2) do compound lifts at the gym.

      If you can and want to go to a gym where equipment is available, then for chest you can do bench presses of different varieties, for arms there are are bicep curls, tricep extensions and that thing where you hold a kettle-bell dumbbell and walk for forearm/grip strength (forgot the name).

      If you don’t want to go to a gym because of COVID, the subreddit /r/bodyweightfitness is very good. You should check that out. There should be exercises for your core/abdomen there too. I don’t know of any using weights.

      Another thing worth mentioning is that if you happen to want to target fat reduction in your tummy by doing exercises for your abs, this I think doesn’t work, as you lose fat mass from all over your body. Just thought I would mention that just in case.

      • Makan ☭ CPUSA
        34 years ago

        Yeah, I should consider using /r/bodyweightfitness. For now, going to the gym would be a hassle. I feel that I need to try and find ways of doing exercise without the use of equipment, though I do have a few dumbbells lying around that range from 5 lbs. to 20 lbs. so that should help, I think.