Also die Linke is “far left” now apparently.

  • @SaddamHussein24OP
    2 years ago

    This. Hes like “look, die linke and nazi apologists use the same rethoric” yeah because you invented the quote to be like this dumbass. Theres even worse stuff after. He calls a communist fighting in Donbass “literally a terrorist” and says the german Green Party, a party that literally funds imperialist regime change operations and isnt anticapitalist (not even nominally), is a “based reliable leftist party”. He also mockingly says “the blood of every afghan civilian is on the west” as if its an exaggeration that only an extremist would say.

    • Redp
      2 years ago

      It’s interesting that Vaush says something before about how what adam says do not represent his own opinion and he doesn’t take responsability for what he says, like Vaush is somewhat conscious about how adam is going batshit insane recently and he is preventively washing his own hands.