To sum, she was the last beacon of “resistance” to the conservatism in government and liberals rallied behind her for that. Without her, the conservatives have no reason to pretend like the branches or the law means anything, and get to pack the Supreme Court with what I’ve seen referred to as a “permanent conservative court”

    • Star Wars Enjoyer OPA
      74 years ago

      Trump gets to choose who replaces her, and there’s a bit of argument in the SC on whether or not she gets replaced before the election. But, even if Biden gets elected and therefore gets to choose who replaces her, he’s spoken against “packing” the supreme court with democrats so there’s absolutely no promise she’ll be replaced by another liberal.

      also, liberals already fucked up in this by assuming the 90-year-old with cancer would survive another term. Which a lot of their anti-trump resistence was based on, so now they’ve fucked their cohesion and will likely start breaking apart.

      • @Black_Venom
        54 years ago

        I remember in one of the debates Biden said he’s not a ‘purist’ on liberal vs conservative but he does do a litmus test on Rowe v. Wade specifically. It was a while ago so I might be mixing up some of the details however

    • T34 [they/them]
      44 years ago

      McConnell is already saying he’ll try to fill her spot before the election.

      Mr. McConnell has said that in case of an opening this year, he would try to push through a Trump nomination before the election, arguing that it was a different situation because this time the president and Senate majority are from the same party.