Technically, as much as I dislike it, there is nothing in liberalism to predispose a person towards racism.

Then why are so many self-proclaimed liberals/pro-western people so goddamn racist/chauvinist towards anything eastern?

Furthermore, Eastern liberals often hate their own country and get a hard-on for NATO/US invading them.

  • VictimOfReligion
    2 years ago

    Everything you say is true, peeps, but, why are you separating “liberals” from “conservatives”, if all liberals are per se conservatives and most conservatives are liberals?

    Don’t you think that this has a lot to do with the answer of this person’s question?

    Being liberal and progressive is a contradictory belief system or ideology that this people hand with huge cognitive dissonance where they think that while being dogmatic is a problem, they think that the solution isn’t to level out the reactionary rethoric, but still, got some seemingly progressive rethoric (“racism is bad”) while also having idealism embedded (“individuals are in a vacuum”) + some reactionarism (“poor people just don’t work enough to not be poor”!). Making the sum, leads to “I don’t think that racialized people are inferior, but their community as a whole just don’t want to work enough! Look at this anecdotal individuals that got rich!.. What do you mean with” context"?".

    That’s basically the whole thing, like socdems, nazbols, egc. They have a self contradictory idology without realizing it. An evidence, is that they won’t accept the reactionary rethoric using false Scotsman fallacies, special pleadings, and instead of simply accepting the truth about their reactinary part, they just claim with post hoc arguments in order to safe the whole of it, while they will still continue to enable whoever is sincere enough to simply accept it without moving out.

    This is why most self proclaimed conservatives are more prompt to leave their indoctrination than self claimed liberal progressives.

    Happens a lot with different belief systems.