Technically, as much as I dislike it, there is nothing in liberalism to predispose a person towards racism.

Then why are so many self-proclaimed liberals/pro-western people so goddamn racist/chauvinist towards anything eastern?

Furthermore, Eastern liberals often hate their own country and get a hard-on for NATO/US invading them.

  • AverageUlyanovFan
    2 years ago

    For most people, there’s no “coherent” ideology. They don’t subscribe to a grand vision of liberalism wholesale, but agree with some bits and pieces here and there, letting the socioeconomic environment fill in the gaps. And the existing culture fosters hate to various groups, as it is not actively fought as it’s both profitable and directs the anger of proletarians away from their masters and towards one another. And frankly, in a twisted way, having an enemy is enjoyable. On top of that, liberalism gives you a feeling of supremacy over conservatives who demand prisons and wars and those authoritarian stalinists who want gulags and revolutions.

    Furthermore, liberalism fosters a certain braindead form of idealism where people seem to believe that as long as you believe your intentions are good, the road you’re paving will lead straight to heaven. Sometimes it makes people into useful tool - I’ve talked to several people who participated or support Euromaidan and they believe it was good and they gained some sort of freedom from that, and while there have been some radicals, the whole coup was righteous will of the people, whereas Eastern Ukraine was all taken over by Russian forces somehow. Now, those people loudly denounce Russia for starting a war the actual instigators of Euromaidan have seen coming in advance back then, though the supporters would still claim it was a righteous act of the people and ignore the causality.

    Other times it just makes people do dumb shit. Like, all the virtue signaling and performance activism come from this exact mindset - a bad thing needs fixing, so people do something to show their beliefs instead of doing something that leads to the solution.

    Mass media is another aspect, since the society we live in is barely comprehensible for a regular person. Here in Belarus “Eastern Liberals” that I know believe that a change of leadership and extensive market reforms including removing/reducing free healthcare will reasonably quickly make country prosper because look at the Poland or Sweden (depends on how “fake left” are you), ignoring the historical and material factors and contemporary state of the world capitalism that are at least worth considering. They don’t hate Belarus per se but the state apparatus, which they personify as Lukashenko because it’s obviously just 1 man that needs to be replaced with a better person for positive change to happen.