I haven’t done a lot of research into this one because whenever I try to look into it all the sources are either complete wackos I wouldn’t trust to tell me much of anything, or people clearly just repeating the state narrative. I used to blankly dismiss the idea in my Libshit days and I would like to examine it more in depth. So I would very much appreciate opinions and good sources to read up on it.

  • Muad'DibberA
    4 years ago

    I’d be interested in reading something too that’s from a marxist perspective. The strongest indicator for me is that JFK sacked a lot of the CIA’s top brass after they almost started WW3 at the bay of pigs, like CIA director Allen Dulles, who then after being fired by JFK, served on the commission to investigate JFK’s assassination. Basically a “we investigated ourselves and found nothing amiss” situation.

    JFK was an imperialist, but before his assassination he was making overtures of friendship to Castro, and had planned to withdraw from Vietnam, but his death ensured that war could continue.