I found collagen powder online which contains about as much protein as whey powder – 20g against maybe 23g.

Plus you get benefits from collagen: better skin, hair, nails – or so people who’ve tried it say, at least.

Do my comrades recommend switching to collagen or whey? What are the differences, if any?

I bought a 1kg pack of collagen for cheap so I’ll test and report! Haven’t tried whey yet, I’m starting out lol.

  • @CriticalResist8OPA
    24 years ago

    Unfortunately vegan collagen exists mostly in laboratories, it must be very expensive or difficult to find in stores – though chances are it’s going to be hitting the market eventually. You can find boosters and builders though, which contain the vitamins and amino acids needed to build collagen, but the effectiveness of such products has not been proven yet both in building collagen and in building muscle mass.

    • @redjoker
      14 years ago

      Thanks, I did some reading on it and unfortunately this is the case for now. I’ll see if the boosters/builders help