So, what’s going to happen. Is Russia going to turn off the gas tap tomorrow?

  • Star Wars Enjoyer MA
    342 years ago

    Th…That’s not blackmailing? Russia demanding to be paid for their fossil fuels in their currency isn’t blackmail. Europe’s really grasping for a reason to fight against this.

    • @KommandoGZDOP
      282 years ago

      Totally. A desperate attempt to market the incoming economic collapse to their citizens. The real reason they don’t wanna do it is because it would undermine their own sanctions…you know, the actual attempt to blackmail Russia into compliance.

      It’s also rich coming from the country that killed Nordstream 2 and is at the forefront of the allout economic war against Russia.

      In other news, stores are already rationing basic items such as oil, flour, etc and they’re waging a propaganda campaign online to get people to ration gas as well.