• @VictimOfReligion
    32 years ago

    Which is an enormous error since religions are all ideologies that shield themselves in magic claimings perpetuating reactionary structures and having free passes everywhere.

    In Xinjiang itself, atheist people has been and probably still is, very persecuted from their theist Muslim neighbors to a point that it was almost unbearable pre- deradicalication policies, where people could get beaten up for eating pork.

    Religions are a principal contradiction that is completely reaccionary due to its nature about how its constructed their cosmology and to whom (fictional) characters they give authority too.

    Religions should be treated as any other political ideology no matter how many fairies, deities, hells and more fantasies are summoned to have their special pleadings listened and fucking stop being given this exceptionalism they are constantly enjoying their main conmen called sacerdots, who are a superior class against their víctims, the believers, who are leeched out for nonsensical threats and pseudoscience. Lenin was right about religion, and not listening to him will cost us even more than we imagine.

    Religion must be actively eradicated with the same medicine they use to spread in the same equivalent force.

    And if you find this claim of mine “desproportionally inhuman” then it says more about religious people than anything else.

    And no, I don’t want them to necessarily receive what their ancestors did to pagans and unbelievers, but to have an strong anti propagandist campaign until current religions are held like the ancient myths they are, with the same value as the myths of Zeus or Marduk, and knowing everyone that religions were and are manufactured to gain material power. There is not a single hierophant that doesn’t know they is a conman/con-woman(?) snake oil seller.