• VictimOfReligion
    2 years ago

    You really think that the homophobia dragged from religions (religions are ideologies, mind you) don’t have a material and power interest? In ancient times many deities had a priesthood dominated by non-cis/non-het in a world where religious and political influences were impossible to separate. And Yahweism rose after the control of all the Hebrew state eliminating all competence while also implementing a rise in nationalistic mythos in a very similar way Francisco Franco made El Cid Campeador a national deity or even invented Don Pelayo Silvio.

    (please, understand the next in the most natural, politically human a.k.a. REAL way) One common deity in Israel was Asherah, which was the consort of El and mother of Yahweh, then when El stopped being the patron deity, Asherah became the consort of Yahweh (in other Canaanite nations they did the same with their own patron gods, like Asherah wife of Ba’al, for example). During NeoBabylonian exile, the Hebrews became monolastric due to nationalist propaganda so they would kind of unite in their own identity in the most copium way, specially to save the sacerdotal class of the time, and forged prophets such as Daniel, Samson, plagiarized myths like the Epic of Gilgamesh, with characters such as Zyusudra for Noah, or the Enuma Elish for Genesis with propagandistic purposes and maybe it was during that time that they invented Moses to finish the Hebrew übermensch mentality and narrative. With this, they needed to also get rid of the rival native priesthood once they became independent againt before the Helenic domain, forging Deuteronomy, where believers of Yahweh, the majority of the land, had to commit genocide against foreign influence and eliminate the other sacerdots in a very classic oligarch vs oligarch parallel we see today.

    Asherah, which has been mentioned, was the second most followed deity there was in that place in that time. And you know which made the Sacerdotal Class of Asherah? Women and Transwomen. Guess what also commanded Deuteronomy? The systemic eradication of queer people.

    Which has endured until today.

    It’s true, material conditions form ideologies, but ideologies can be dragged a looooooooooong way til today to foment the rise and maintenance of an structural power. We still have kings and their monarchist horde. We still have Sacerdotal Chiefs and their theocracist horde. And we obviously have oligarchs, capitalists and bourgeoisie of all kind and their liberal hord. And funny enough, all they share in common is the same idealism, staticism and antirevolutionary elements that religions have… Not to mention that monarchism was conserved THANKS to Christianity and liberalism itself is a Protestant based ideology.