Comrades: For the last week, I have been forwarding the war maps from RIAFA (with some commentary / summary of the days news as presented by ASBMil and Intel Slava, accounting for bias) to my company’s internal Whatsapp channel. I’m not doing it out of any effort for conversion, just to balance the info they might be getting a little bit. Today it finally drummed up a little bit of interest due to the Ukrainian Rada tweet comparing Kharkiv with Hamburg. After explaining how stupidly mask off that tweet was, I jokingly proposed to have a session to explain the origins of the war and why it wasn’t as black and white as it would seem if you only consume MSM. To my surprise, a few co workers jumped enthusiastically at the idea. I set a quorum of at least 10 people and warned them that this was going to go at least 1 hour of hard history, but I have gathered 8 people interested in less than 2 hours. I fear that I’m going to actually have to do this, or at least present them with a document outlining the mechanisms of NATO expansion, the geopolitical reasons of the Russian invasion, and all the nitty gritty that is conveniently left out of the Western coverage (I live in Latin America). To this effect, I would need some cooperation in selecting which topics do you think must not be left out (I’m considering the period from 1991 to the present, to start with NATO expansion up until the war in the Donbas and the current situation); what sources can I provide that could be amenable to libs or left-of-center apolitical people (but hard communist sources are welcomed too!); debunked hoaxes of Ukranian propaganda, as well as hard confirmation of neo NAzi organizations other than Azov, etc. In short, anything that can help me substantiate this presentation. Can you help me, comrades?

  • invent_the_future
    2 years ago

    I think it’s important to dispel the notion that NATO was ever a “defensive alliance”

    this is very important, I commented recently on reddit something about it:

    "USSR wanted to join NATO in 1954, was refused and that lead to the Warsaw Pact

    the refusal speaks volumes of what NATO is really about, how does a “defensive” military organisation refuse the world’s biggest army into its ranks? surely that would improve their defensive qualities, no?

    apparently Putin also wanted to join back when he was first ‘elected’"

    OP, you can read more here and here, I hope it can be helpful and, although the addressed nation there is mainly Russia, the same stream of thought can be applied to the Soviet Union, and in that case, instead of a hypothetical unified UE, I believe the consequence would clearly be the exporting of communism across Western Europe, a big no no for the US (there’s even more you can search and read about how isolating the communist part of Europe was very much a plan of the big capital once WW2 ended, iirc the term “Iron Curtain” was coined by Churchill, they sold the idea that the communist block was the one trying to shut itself in, when in fact that effort came from the outside)

    other than the facts, of course the rest is conjecture but I didn’t came up with it myself, I just don’t remember where I read/watched a similar analysis, but again it seems like that would be the natural run of things

    also fun fact: after the portuguese carnation revolution the usa parked a Saratoga in the Tagus River in front of the official residence of the President (Belém Palace) when there were talks of Portugal leaving NATO, here’s a pic