So I’ve been thinking for a while about this subject, and I finally decided to make a post about this some time after I saw a YouTuber say what I put on the title of this post.

Thing is, I’ve noticed that very often young people and especially kids are treated as lesser beings, like if they were not humans beings with problems and lives of their own but just an annoyance that people have to keep up with.

I remember when I was a kid and I wanted to cross a zebra crossing cars would just pass by without stopping more often than not. Now that I’m an adult they stop pretty much every time. I suspect it was because they didn’t want to stop for someone they consider to be lesser than them.

Also, a lot of people seem to think that being a kid means that you just play videogames or whatever all day, but don’t these people remember when they were kids? I sure do. Going to school has been the worst thing I’ve ever had to endure. The only difference with having a job is that you don’t get paid.

  • Addfwyn
    1 year ago

    Even though I say that I “hate” kids sometimes, I don’t truly hate them or wish ill on them. Kids can be spoiled brats, but they are still just little humans who are thrust into a shitty world against their consent without the proper know-how of basically anything, so of course they are annoying and gross and act-out, but its rarely anything that you can or should blame on them.

    My heart also tears and becomes enraged at stories of child abuse and exploitation and suffering and murder. Nobody deserves any of that, especially children. They have decades they deserve to live out, not suffer for. Life is a beautiful thing, especially when we share it with other people stuck in our same mortal situation.

    Speaking on these two points specifically, I agree entirely. I don’t ever like being around kids at all, but I also don’t wish any harm to happen to them. If anything, I am more inclined to express my distaste to the parents who insisted on bringing kids somewhere they honestly shouldn’t be, it isn’t fair to the kids anymore than the people around them. It’s not like the kid bought a ticket on that plane just to annoy me. I know as a child I was bored out of my mind when I had to go to weddings, as an example.

    I hope it goes without saying that I also would never support any kind of child abuse or exploitation. Someone who opts in to having a child owes it to them to do everything in their power to raise the child well; I just personally have no desire to ever have to be in that situation.

    PS. Grats on the vasectomy, welcome to the club!

    • cayde6ml
      1 year ago

      I’m glad we agree :)

      I haven’t gotten a vasectomy yet. I was scheduled to get it this month, but it was delayed to later this year. But thank you. And you seem cool.