I am not pagan, but I love all comrades and enjoy learning new perspectives. How large of a role does your religion play in your life? Is there anything I should know when trying to see from a pagan POV?

And since we are on Lemmygrad, does your spirituality draw from or inspire your study of communism in any way?

  • Muad'DibberA
    34 years ago

    Damn that’s cool af. Do you have any books / articles you could recommend to learn more?

    • Star Wars Enjoyer MA
      34 years ago

      I didn’t learn much from book learnin’, But there’s a lot of them on mythology and various forms of Paganism. Though, be wary, Norse and Druidism have a multitude of writers who’re right-leaning and who try to insert their racism and idealism into their specific faiths. It’s best to do a lil research on writers before you pick up their books. Though I’ve yet to find that to be the case with Wicca and other Pagan faiths.