I am not pagan, but I love all comrades and enjoy learning new perspectives. How large of a role does your religion play in your life? Is there anything I should know when trying to see from a pagan POV?

And since we are on Lemmygrad, does your spirituality draw from or inspire your study of communism in any way?

  • Star Wars Enjoyer MA
    94 years ago

    Most of the modern Pagan faiths include values very similar to vaguely left-wing positions, which makes it easy for us to tie our religious beliefs with our political ones. Like, for instance, the Nordic heathenry faiths have the epics of Odin posing as a traveller and dolling out anti-capitalist and anti-greed lessons. Odin in those epics very directly warns against the pursuit of wealth, and against selfishness.

    I’m Celtic Polytheistic, the two gods I patron reside over things that a leftist perspective could be either drawn from, or given to. Llyr is the god of the sea, the ocean is filled with examples of cooperation between organisms. Lugh is a god residing over craftsfolkship, as a worker and a craftsperson he’s directly a part of my work. The teachings of my faith can easily be likened to basic left-wing rhetoric, things like the importance of sharing food and shelter, things like the importance of not hoarding wealth, etc.

    (I’m mostly asleep rn, sorry if this isn’t readable)

    • @HildegardeOP
      54 years ago

      Interesting! Years ago i had a friend who practiced Wicca, but sadly I did not ask her about it much. I look forward to learning more from comrades in this subcommie

    • Muad'DibberA
      34 years ago

      Damn that’s cool af. Do you have any books / articles you could recommend to learn more?

      • Star Wars Enjoyer MA
        34 years ago

        I didn’t learn much from book learnin’, But there’s a lot of them on mythology and various forms of Paganism. Though, be wary, Norse and Druidism have a multitude of writers who’re right-leaning and who try to insert their racism and idealism into their specific faiths. It’s best to do a lil research on writers before you pick up their books. Though I’ve yet to find that to be the case with Wicca and other Pagan faiths.