Boy have I been confused, this whole time I assumed MLMs supported the Chinese government but I just had some conversations on twitter with MLMs and they were all upset with China saying the same thing that happened to the USSR is happening right now in China. I just assumed with one of the cardinal principles being to uphold Mao Zedong thought that MLMs would be pess critical. Iunno

  • Muad'DibberA
    74 years ago

    It gets pretty complicated, oftentimes many MLMs and western maoists view China the same way trotsykists view the soviet union : a deformity of its founder’s original intentions.

    MLM is also a recent tendency from the shining path in Peru, since the 1980s. It has no influence in China, which is already a maoist country that upholds both mao Zedong thought, and the contributions of the experience of the CPC culminating in socialism with Chinese characteristics, which takes lessons from both the Mao and post Mao era.

    • @queer_birdOP
      74 years ago

      I don’t know why people expect Marxist to be used in exactly the same way, perfectly, in every country, and no new lessons are to be learned.

      • @darkmaster006
        34 years ago

        They become too idealistic and can’t see reality, sadly.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        34 years ago

        Indeed, the whole point of scientific communism is that it should be applied according to the specific conditions as opposed to dogmatically.