• @SovietIntl
    24 years ago

    Fascism or extreme nationalism are more likely and have been the things that has been growing here, the reactionary nature of the middle class, the decentralized nature of the lower classes will lead to ruin. Will the federal union break up once more? Maybe, I can see factionalism take hold into multiple smaller groups, kind of like Balkanization without the whole ethnic cleansing although I won’t rule out roving bands of fascists in the minority who drive around murdering minorities which kind of also has been on the rise so there you go. The west is truly crumbling, the reactionary right is correct when they say the “west” is crumbling but like always they blame it on other people and not the system itself. Honestly I see no hope, my own personal sense of responsibility tells me I should stay and fight the good fight even if there’s little hope but also as I enter my 30s I begin to wonder if it’s better if I settle elsewhere and let the younger generation figure it out. But really I don’t see America ever becoming socialist, not before tearing itself up to pieces. England largely peacefully ended slavery, and England for the most part peacefully transitioned away from feudalism and autocracy if you of course don’t consider the 17th century civil war and Cromwell as the true bourgeois revolution in England. Either way I can see England make the transition based on historical materialism, but America? No, we had a bloody civil war to end slavery and the most intense racial conflict and genocide of Native Americans, those are contradictions that cannot be peacefully reconciled. The contradictions in America unfortunately will lead to bloody and violent collapse of which will allow the growth of a socialist country to grow in, like a Phoenix.

    Don’t not misunderstand me in fetishizing violence because I really don’t want there to be a bloody revolution or violent collapse but the material realities of America herself is that she was founded upon blood and will end as she began. But despite me not wanting violence a historical analysis will show it will be necessary and so as Engel said in Principles of Communism, we would love it if we could achieve our goals with peace but if that’s not an option we will defend our cause with deeds as we defend it with words.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      24 years ago

      I think what’s happened is that the country effectively split into two tribes with the Democrats and the Republicans. Majority of the population now identifies as one faction or the other, and it seems like the differences are deeply irreconcilable at this point. The parties no longer compete on policy because there aren’t really any swing voters, but instead they try to rally their base by demonizing the other side, which further deepens the rift. So, I definitely agree that the split of the union is a highly probable scenario at this point.

      The socialists appear to be a distinct and growing faction of disenfranchised people who see that both parties ultimately represent the oligarchy. The current protests are very promising as they show that there is a growing resistance to the system. I really hope to see some leadership emerge that starts working on real political goals.

      Unfortunately, there’s also a strong fascist faction that’s bankrolled by the capitalists. And the question is going to be whether the organically organized grassroots movements will ultimately prevail over the fascists.

      I definitely agree with your assessment that things are very likely to get bloody as the economy continues to deteriorate and millions of people end up being left behind. The material conditions are becoming right for a revolution.