we’ve added new information about the anti-communist moderation policies of /r/AntiWork

  • Anarcho-Bolshevik
    2 years ago

    /r/antiwork, like /r/anarchism, would almost certainly classify me as a ‘tankie’ and ban me on sight regardless of the nuances in my politics. I know for a fact that most MLs would roll their eyes or groan painfully if they knew about my relatively positive views on the Makhnovshchina, the NES, the Fourth International, and Amadeo Bordiga, and my ‘ultraleft’ conception of socialism, but none of those saved me from anarchist subcommunities banning me. On the other hand, I can’t remember any state‐socialist subcommunities banning me for those reasons.

    I guess that, due to my good work here and elsewhere, users such as @Farmer_Heck@lemmygrad.ml assume good faith and treat the ‘ultraleftism’ in my politics like a case of the runs. You know that it’s painful, but you have to allow it.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      52 years ago

      for clarity, I only dislike ultras being on lemmygrad when the only things they contribute to discussions are unhelpful and widely disliked by the community. I’m totally chill with people having differing opinions, but I’m not chill with people making lemmygrad an unwelcoming place.

      People who add more to conversation than bland anti-ML sectarianism are more than welcome, even if they’re exterior to the political tendencies I’d prefer. You post a lot of decent stuff, and though the occasional thing might be a groaner, the rest is (at least for the most part) good faith and beneficial discourse.