I’m sorry if this isn’t the place for this, but I’m just so fucking excited.

I was homeless and selling crack less than two years ago, neither of my parents graduated from fucking high-school, and I’m a beaner in America lmao.

The system hates me, I’ve been violently disadvantaged from the knowledge economy, and I know this isn’t really meaningful. Life will still be hard, and the coming collapse of empire will make it ever worse.

But fuck, does it feel good to catch a win sometimes.

  • @Josh_Drake
    2 years ago

    Someone’s projecting big time about being an idealist.

    If all of what you said, chaos in the streets because of dollar values and whatnot, was true, we wouldn’t have socialism literally anywhere because of US just being able to press your theoretical ‘capitalism conversion button’ on a whim (imagine having such little agency in the 1940’s), and yet, an AES country is preparing to lead the world economically. It’s almost as if your premise that US controls the world is complete bullshit.

    Not only that, but who is really afraid of USA at this point? They can’t even stage a proper coup anymore, look what Venezuela did to one of their pathetic color revolutions. I understand not wanting to underestimate people, but why do you think these incompetent people are really that much of a threat? You act like they can just take away people’s agency on a whim.

    I highly doubt any of this political turmoil will overwhelm China, look how they handled COVID-19 compared to the other countries, look how they handled Tienanmen Square. It is my humble opinion that you underestimate China’s organizational capabilities way too much.