• @TempoDecimal
    4 years ago

    Just in”? More like tiresome, decrepit and overripe vilification repeated ad nauseum since the last presidential election.

    They managed to libel Russia, China and Iran all in a single sentence. Should’ve also tossed in Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela to appeal to the entire panoply of regime changers!

    And, since they claim both poor defenseless Trump and Biden are “undermined”, both Dem and Republican ignoramuses can now blissfully retweet such equivocal run-on sentences.

    As they read from their monotonous scripts, ostensibly dependable NPR, PBS NewsHour and Democracy Now are gleefully having their cake and eating it too. They just can’t lose audience interest from repeating accusations and denigration aimed at the US’s perceived archenemies. Easier targets there aren’t any.